Frohe Ostern!!

I just loved this display inside the Rausch chocolate store in Berlin. It's an Easter bunny made of hundreds of individually wrapped chocolate bunnies. I wonder if the employees get to eat it at the end of the season.

Happy Easter everyone! I hope the bun bun brings you lots of chocolate.


Hilda said...

I want this bunny!!!

Easter Blessings on you and your family!

Lowell said...

That's one heck of a lot of bunnies...all chocolate, heh...Ok, I'll buy one.

stromsjo said...

And I wonder how they glued it all together. What kind of chocolate would this be? Over here is a trend towards dark chocolate with lots of cocoa and less sugar.

Jim Klenke said...

Yumm,maybe they all just pull up chairs and go for it Sunday night.