I also did a lot of shopping while in New York. As you can imagine, it takes a few years for the fashion trends to trickle down to the south. I had a great time looking through all the boutiques in SoHo.
I really liked this red dress, but apparently it's for a legless person, so I passed it by.
Legless and headless! I've known several people who've lost their heads for one reason or another, but they still had legs, so shopping here would definitely be a problem!
Have a great day!
NEW YORK la ville du shopping ;o)
I've noticed that some of the dresses this year are Retro early 1970s. I recently found a dress that is almost the same pattern as one my mother made me in high school.
√ Howdy ! from the cornfields of Brookville, Ohio
Thunderstorms rolled over my house this morning at 4:00 AM and thunder and lightening woke me up. By the time I was up and drinking my first coffee, the rain was hitting my skylight pretty hard. It sounded like some kind of war going on. The noise is great.
Your photos are a reminder of how simple it was to think of a store wall as a display area for the store contents and it has not been like the good old days ever since.
Abe Lincoln
Brookville, Ohio
Ah to shop in NYC! Très chic tout ça !
The other half of my blog was very happy shopping there...
I guess they dont want to tell you that you have to be 6ft to wear it.
Weird, I know I left a comment about this earlier today. But it's not here! Another gone into the ether…
Hilda - that often happens to me too. I think Blogger.com gets hungry and eats them. :)
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