New birdfeeder

I finally got my new squirrel-proof birdfeeder installed. So far it's working great! The metal cage is on springs, so if a squirrel (or heavy bird) gets on there it pulls down and closes the openings to the food. I hope that it will continue to fool the buggers.

I love this little house finch coming in for a landing. It looks like he's floating in mid-air.


Jim Klenke said...

Nice catch of the finch. No more free ride for the poor squirrels.

cewmont said...

I was just remembering how my dad used to work on "squirrel proof" bird feeders in his yard.

VP said...

I am not so sure that something could be completely squirrel-proof. The caught-in-mid-air finch is really funny because we can't see his wings...

Lowell said...

You've got that sneaky little camera going again, right?

Cute! Good luck with the squirrels...if it works, tell me where I can get one!

They've got me beat so far!

Lois said...

Yay! I was just watching a squirrel try and fail again on mine, so he had to settle for the seeds that fell on the ground. That is a great shot of the house finch. I have also been enjoying a pair of red winged blackbirds in my backyard this weekend.

Hilda said...

And I thought someone threw him! Where's his wings? They fold them in while landing?

I also hope your new feeder continues to stop the squirrels. Love those decorative leaves too.

stromsjo said...

Or maybe he's just awaiting the final landing permit from the control tower? ;)

Halcyon said...

Lois in Tallahassee has one too and so far it's worked for her. She inspired me to buy this one.

Someone in our neighborhood has started putting out peanuts for the squirrels. I've seen them carrying them around and sometimes they leave the shells on my porch.

Ham said...

I give it until they get a bit hungry. There will be something to gnaw through.