White Blossoms

This photo was taken back in August. I'm not sure what kind of flowers these are, but I am hoping to see some blooms again soon! I'm really tired of this cold, wet weather we've been having down here. Hope it blows over soon.

Don't forget to check Here and There for more Hawaii pictures!


Olivier said...

belle photo, de belles couleurs pour cette epoque bien tristounette

Lois said...

I don't know what kind of flower those are either, but they sure are pretty!

Mum said...

It looks like a canna aka flag

cieldequimper said...

Mais oui, elle va refleurir ! ;-)

VP said...

I am useless with flowers names, but this is beautiful!

stromsjo said...

And I can volunteer as yet another non-expert on botanic matters...

In our case, it's more cold than wet really.

Lowell said...

I know what they are 'cause we had a bunch in our yard...but I can't remember the name!

It's cold and wet here, too, and is going to get colder over the next few days. Awful!

Halcyon said...

Jacob: Do you have a big power plant in Ocala? I've met quite a few Ocalans down here at my conference!