
I took some pictures of different trees on the golf course this weekend. It's funny because I never noticed this dead one before. So I got to wondering if it was always like that and I never noticed, or if the recent storms and cold led to its demise. Perhaps I should ask a more observant golfer.

This tree comes to you from the number eight hole at Deerfield.


Olivier said...

un arbre hivernal, et un arbre du printemps ;o)

Kate said...

The sky is a beautiful deep blue.

Lowell said...

Hmmm...were you not supposed to be planning your next shot? ;-)

I do the same thing.

This trees looks like it's been dead a long time. You have no doubt been so focused on your game you didn't see it.


B SQUARED said...

You tend to miss many things when you're in the middle of the fairway;least that's what I've been told.

Lois said...

I'll bet the woodpeckers love this tree!

VP said...

I was thinking something like Olivier's comment. Even a dead tree could be beautiful...

stromsjo said...

Possibly a pine tree which had a close encounter with a storm?

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee
You didn't see it because you were (ahem) keeping your eye on the ball!