The New Synagogue

Sticking with the theme of religious buildings, this is the city's New Synagogue. It was damaged during the Kristalnacht, but not as badly as the Rykestrasse Synagogue. In fact, it received more damage from the Allied bombs than from anti-semitic vandalism!
Luckily, after the war the dome was rebuilt and the building restored to its former glory. It's a very lovely place. In the summertime, visitors can climb the dome for a bird's eye view of Berlin.


Olivier said...

elle est très belle cette synagogue, j'aime beaucoup cette architecture de l'est.
J'espère que tu pourras voir le match de l'Allemagne sur un grand écran sur une place de Berlin. Bonne chance aux allemands, si ils gagnent, il va y avoir une grande fête.

it is this very beautiful synagogue, I love the architecture of the east.
I hope you can see the match of Germany on a large screen on a square in Berlin. Good luck to Germany if they win, there will be a big party.

Jim Klenke said...

It looks like a very nice Synagogue. I bet the view from the dome is wonderful.

Steve Buser said...

Glory, indeed. It's domes set the tone for worship

Chris said...

Very pretty! Before I read your commentary, I was thinking it was Orthodox for some reason.

Are you visiting some place fun?

Louis la Vache said...

Its amazing that the synagogue wasn't baldy damaged in Kristalnacht, but not surprising that Alled bombs did more damage. Similarly, the cathedral at Rouen suffered badly from a 500 kg British bomb. Churchill was fond of that cathedral and regretted that the bomb had hit the church.

Olivier said...

Cela devait être la fête dans les rues de Berlin. Les Allemands champions..

This should be the celebration in the streets of Berlin. The German champions ..