
Before I got the squirrel-proof feeder, I had a wooden feeder which I painted red. I noticed it often attracted hummingbirds (they like the bright color) but they were always disappointed to find that it wasn't really a source of food.

A few weeks ago I decided to test my luck with these tiny feathered friends and I bought a feeder and set up the camera and everything. I see them buzzing around the place constantly now, but it's been difficult to get a good shot of them because they move so fast - by the time the camera registers their presence, they're gone. Anyhow, I did finally catch one the other day and I think it's a pretty good photo. I present you with my ruby-throated backyard friend.


Lois said...

That is a great shot! I have a lot of these little guys around my hummingbird feeder right now too. This is the best time to have a feeder out for them because they are fattening up for their journey south. They do tend to fight over it though. It's funny to watch them dive bombing each other trying to defend "their" feeder!

Amelia said...

Hummers are so much fun to watch. If you get one with a place to sit while eating they will stay longer. As Lois wrote they are so territorial...

cieldequimper said...

C'est ravissant. Tu as de la chance de pouvoir en voir de si près !

Lowell said...

Excellent photo! They are almost impossible to capture, but you did very well...I can hear those wings humming!

B SQUARED said...

We set one up this summer. We were pleasantly surprised by the activity. I had a difficult time shooting them as well. Alas, they have all gone south for the winter. Will set one up in our yard as soon as we get back.

VP said...

I like your photos as much I like the 'making of' chronicles!

stromsjo said...

I so much prefer flying Hummers to those other devices. Well snapped by our backyard correspondent!