Since I couldn't make it to the golf course this weekend, I went to the theater instead! The New Stage acting interns put on a hilarious performance of Shakespeare Abridged. Seriously, I was rolling in the aisles laughing, it was that funny!
I can't claim proprietorship of this photo, it was a picture they were using to advertise. Although it's plain to see what's going on here - I'll explain the scene a bit. This is the scene where Hamlet meets his father's ghost on the ramparts: The left actor is the ghost, the middle actress is Hamlet and the actor on the right is the dude who was with Hamlet when he saw the ghost (can't remember his name, feel free to fill me in).
I can't claim proprietorship of this photo, it was a picture they were using to advertise. Although it's plain to see what's going on here - I'll explain the scene a bit. This is the scene where Hamlet meets his father's ghost on the ramparts: The left actor is the ghost, the middle actress is Hamlet and the actor on the right is the dude who was with Hamlet when he saw the ghost (can't remember his name, feel free to fill me in).
I'm sure Shakespeare would be pleased with this adaptation.
amusante adaptation ;o) cela va etre sympa un Weekend de theatre
I love the shoes on that ghost!
Well, if you can't play golf...this looks like a very fun alternative!
Re your comment on Ocala DP: I looked for the bunny first at Victoria's Secret. Couldn't find him anywhere in the store. I must have search for several hours, too! :-)
Good ole Will would probably join you in hilarity!
Ca avait l'air drôle en effet, ça me rappelle une pièce que j'avais vue à Paris le 31 décembre 2000. Evidemment, je ne me souviens plus du titre mais j'avais mal au ventre à force de rire !
Is Horatio the dude?
It looks very funny already in the picture, I can imagine it in a theater...
VP: Horatio may very well be the dude. Excellent thinking!
Now that ghost looks reasonably friendly. Theater is the best. Who needs TV?
Per: He is about the happiest-looking ghost I've ever seen! I agree with you on the theater. It's just too bad there isn't something on every night.
My husband and I would have loved to watch this! You know we love theater, and he happens to be an English professor too, with special courses in Shakespearean drama and comedy. And he always tries to make the great bard more accessible to students — he'd find this fun for sure.
Hilda: I'm sure your husband could buy a copy of this play online at Amazon. Or even possibly at a local bookstore. It's actually pretty well-known and I believe it was written by members of the RSC in London.
Looks fun and funny!
LOL, I just asked my husband — he has a copy of the script. And he finds it hilarious! I hope a group decides to stage it here. I can't read scripts! Well, I can of course, but I just can't appreciate plays that way. Heck, I can't even appreciate poems unless they're read to me. ;)
Nice shot, and a funny ghost with style! Same color on the lipstick and the shoes..
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