Diner Reflected

I took this picture from inside Mary Mahoney's restaurant in Biloxi. I was looking out the window, but the photo reflected in. It made for an interesting reflection of a diner paying his bill.

Happy weekend everyone! Click on the reflections link to see more images from around the world.

PS: If you're in the Jackson area, Fondren Theater Workshop is hosting it's fourth annual 10-Minute Play Festival. I'm directing a piece. It's going to be fun! Admission is $10 ($5 for mothers) and half the proceeds will go to arts in public schools.


Virginia said...

J'adore!!! What a great shot and of course I love that golden light! Take a bow.

ANd the play festival sounds like fun. Glad the schools are getting some of the benefits too. Great cause.

Bon weekend!

Sylvia K said...

What a wonderful capture and beautiful, golden reflection! Love it! Hope you have a great weekend!


cieldequimper said...

This is great, like a ghost!

Louis la Vache said...

hee hee
Did the diner pick up your tab as well in exchange for the publicity?

Clever shot, Hal!

Hilda said...

Lovely reflection of what looks to be a beautiful restaurant. And I can just see the building outside too.

Is that hubby dear?

Oh wow, you're directing now? That is so cool!

Please keep your fingers crossed for my husband. His dean just asked him to apply for a Shakespeare conference in August — in London! He's so excited that I really want him to get accepted.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful shot! At first I thought it was outside-looking-in, then I read your explanation, and I see it is opposite! I love the golden ghostly looking tree and eerie building just barely visible outside. Great shot!

Heather said...

My husband and I are looking at this and trying to figure it all out...pretty neat reflection shot you've got here!!

Lowell said...

Serendipity. I've often found that shots I thought might be throw-aways turned out very well? I like this one a lot!

B SQUARED said...

Wish I was going to be in town.

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Very nice capture. Like others I'm charmed by the golden glow. This looks like a serene place to dine. Thanks for visiting Oakland Daily Photo and leaving a comment. Please come by again. Regards, Carolyn.

ruma said...

The reflection is very cool.
but heartwarming...

Suburban Girl said...

Very nice, I can't tell if he is part of the reflection or the real deal!

Halcyon said...

HildaNot my hubby. But he made for a nice reflection. Just glad he didn't notice me!