March snow

Sunday morning we woke up to a winter wonderland in March! Did Mother Nature not pay attention to the harbingers of spring? At least it was only a light dusting which quickly melted away. The darn cold weather ruined my golf plans though. But we do have the golf channel, so at least we were able to watch other people playing, even though it's not quite the same (they're much better than I am!).


Hilda said...

Weather is really screwy the world over! Sorry about your golf though — hope you can get to play soon!

Virginia said...

Sorry you did't get the blanket we did, it was fun but we're all dried out now too!

Olivier said...

tu as encore de la neige, moi j'aimerais bien, mais je vois le printemps poindre son nez, alors tant pis pour les photos

Tanya Breese said...

Fun though wasn't it?! We got snow yesterday too!

Ineke said...

looks like spring is not ready to spring!
about twitter; seriously i have no idea how i did it. I have good experience using their helpdesk, so that's my best advice.

Unknown said...

That snow was odd indeed, the day before it was near 25*C ~80*F I had on shorts, and then a day later SNOW!!!