McAlister's Deli

McAlister's is one of my favorite lunching spots. They have a variety of soups, salads and sandwiches that are not too unhealthy. This particular McAlister's is probably the one I visit most, although there are quite a few locations around town. And, I must admit, some of them look a little nicer than this one.

I'm not sure if the place is named for Deuce McAlister. He's an (apparently) famous American football player from Mississippi. There are a couple of car dealerships in the city bearing his name, but I'm not sure if the deli is just a coincidence. Anyway, if you've got one in your town, check it out. My suggestion: the taco salad with vegetarian chili. Very yum!


Olivier said...

j'ai jamais gouté de chili végétarien, je connais le vrai chili, cela doit être bizarre.

Marcel said...

Looks like a great place to have lunch, I love the home made soops and salads! Over the years I have become a great fan of vegetables and fruits :)

Jim Klenke said...

They just opened one thats on my way to work. Havent stopped yet. I read that the football player filed for bankrupcy for his car dealership a couple of days ago.

Halcyon said...

Well, I just spent $850 there on "rountine" service for my bug - maybe that will help!

I hope they don't close down though, it's the only Volkswagon dealership in town.

D said...

We have a McAllister's here. My favorites are those huge baked potatoes with everything on them! Of course, after that, you have to fast for a week to recover! :)

brian stout said...

the last time i was in jackson with my work, the people in our office took me to eat lunch at mcallisters... whichever location it was, it was standing room only at lunch time =)

Emig Family said...

This is one of my favorite restaurants ever! I've even had them cater several of our events at the station. You can only find them in college towns in Oklahoma. Thankfully, Edmond is a college town!!