I received this award on Friday from Clarice at Saint Malo DP.
The award rules say: "Give the award to 10 people whose blogs bring you happiness and inspiration and make you feel happy about blogland. Let them know by posting a comment on their blog so they can pass it on. Beware you may get the award several times."
In return, here are some of my favorite photo blogs, in no particular order. Some of these I have chosen for nostalgic reasons - places I've lived or know well. Others are just places I hope to visit one day. But all of them have great photos by (as far as I can tell) great people. Thanks for sharing your time and talents. Cheers!
Selma, Alabama by Rambling Round
Hyde, England by Hyde DP
Brookvile, Ohio by Abraham Lincoln
Portland, OR by Lynette
Terrel, TX by Brian
Sydney, Australia by Sally
Wichita, KS by Wendy
Lisbon, Portugal by Sailor Girl
Minneapolis, MN by the Mitchster
Evry, France by Olivier
Thank you very much for the award. I appreciate it.
Thanks for the award - You are the second person to send me this and I do appreciate it, but as I have one award already on my sidebar I won't be adding this there.
Thanks for the award! Now I have to choose only 10 I like? Ugh. :)
Thank You!
- Mitch
Thank you so much for this award and for enjoying my blog. I don't know how to put the icon onto my blog, but I will hopefully learn how to at some point.
By the way, inside that boot store smells wonderfully of leather.
Very good blog. With most excellent photographs and pleasant comments.
Good continuity with award...
Congrats with the Award... i can think of no one more deserving!
Thanks so much for the award... not i have something to keep me motivated in my new venture!
merci pour cet Award, en plus tu me fais decouvrir d'autres bloggeurs
Thank you for this Award, in addition you make me feel discover other bloggers
Hi Halcyon, Thanks for making my day! I will try to keep posting something interesting!
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