I found this heart on the golf course. I don't know what kind of plant this is, but the shape and color of these leaves was perfect!
To see more "found" hearts, check out Clytie's
Random Hearts blog. I heart it!
Edited to add: Apparently this plant is called caladium.
Despite some airport delays, I got back safely from Germany yesterday. It was great to see my MiL and all our friends. The weather was cool the first couple of days. So much so that I had to go out and buy a jacket! But it warmed up towards the end of the week and we got to enjoy plenty of time in my MiL's garden. I'll have some pictures up on my travel blog in the coming weeks. Funnily enough, I didn't get one piece of comment spam the whole 10 days! I guess my warning worked.
Now it's time to catch up on all the work that piled up in my absence!