Jackson Farmer's Market

After our bust at the Belhaven Market, we headed to the fairgrounds to see what the Farmer's Market had to offer.

There were plenty of fruit and vegetable stands. We purchased some cherry tomatoes and some hot peppers. The tomatoes were delicious in our salad and we sauteed the peppers - yum! Although I don't know if we'll be back at the Farmer's Market either. It's somewhat of a long drive and we do have a fruit stand just around the corner. But I am glad we tried both markets.

PS: Today is my one year anniversary! One year ago, my husband and I were tying the knot at City Hall in the Big Apple. Nice memories!


Olivier said...

alors un joyeux anniversaire, et merci d'avoir mis ce post, car j'avais oublié que je devais passer acheter du raisin pour ce soir ;o).

then a happy birthday, and thank you for putting this post because I forgot that I had to go buy grapes for tonight ;o)

Jilly said...

Well a very happy anniversary to you both. I hope you will be celebrating someone nice this evening.

I love American Farmers' Markets. Always good things to buy there.

Steve Buser said...

Happy anniversary. I suppose the honeymoon is still ongoing.

Kate said...

Many happy returns of the day; may your future life together be one of joy and happiness. The best part of summer for me are all the outdoor markets and festivals!

D said...

Congratulations! Happy Anniversary and many more!

brian stout said...

happy anniversary, congratulations!!

Chris said...

First, happy anniversary!!

if you get to Nashville, I'll make sure you find our Farmers' Market!

Thanks for staying with me while at school and all. . . . Life is just one big stress these days. . . . .

Small City Scenes said...

Well, Happy Anniversary for starters/........
Sometimes Farmers Markets can be disappointing. If you are their first you might get something but then it is all gone. Glad you finally did find some veggies. MB

stromsjo said...

Happy belated anniversary to you then! And do support your local fruit stand.

Kate said...

I'm back to answer your question about making collages. Just download free Picasa...it's a great way to organize your photos plus it has extras, such as making collages. It's a snap...try it out!