Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

My husband and I went to see the famed Tennessee Williams show last Saturday at New Stage. It was excellent, one of the better shows we've seen there and the set was fantastic. It was on a slant and part of it extended into the audience. Hats off to the production crew and everyone else involved!


Jim Klenke said...

The actors didnt roll of the stage?

Hilda said...

Now that is one play I've never seen yet and would love to. I hope someone decides to stage it here soon.

Glad it was a good production!

B SQUARED said...

An interesting set. Hard to believe you weren't in the production. I love T.W. He spent a lot of time in Key West where I, also, spend a lot of time.

Lois said...

That is a beautiful set! The lighting is nice too.

VP said...

I glad to see something I know well. The set is essential but very good, you caught it very well!

Lowell said...

Not being much of a playgoer, is it usual to have a stage extend into the audience.

Slanted I can see. Keeps the actors on their toes, so to speak. ;-)

Glad you enjoyed it.

cieldequimper said...

J'adore l'idée de photographier la scène comme ça. Je n'ai jamais vu la pièce mais ai l'ai lue, du coup j'arrive à imaginer un peu...

Halcyon said...

Jim: No one rolled off the stage the night I was there. But who knows about the entire two weeks!

B Squared: I would have LOVED to be in the show. And I heard from sources that I was in the running, but it didn't work out. It was an amazing cast though and I thouroughly enjoyed it!

Leif Hagen said...

You culture vulture! I bet it was a lot of fun! Beats a basketball game any day!