Hi There

I swear sometimes these birds know there's a camera on them. This little guy is just a common bluejay, but I like him.

To see more birds from around the world, check out Bird Freak.


Olivier said...

un petit curieux qui semble aussi timide..j'y vais, j'y vais pas ;)

B SQUARED said...

The "Blues" have some of the most interesting personalities of our feathered friends.

Small City Scenes said...

He just wants you to know that there is nothing common about him. Our BlueJays are the Stellar Jays and quite the sassy posers too. MB

Birdman said...

Look at the birdie!

stromsjo said...

One should always be prepared for one's fifteen minutes of fame!

Louis la Vache said...

What's not to like about him?

VP said...

Looking a this guy, I agree...

mick said...

A very cute bird and it certainly looks like it knows it is being photographed.

NatureFootstep said...

it sure seem to wonder what you are doing :)

BlossomFlowerGirl said...

Lovely photo I like the "arch".

Larry said...

Col Shot!